Editor-in-Chief and Designer at Synapsi Magazine
Synapsi Magazine, 2015
Role: Editor-in-Chief & Designer
The Task
Leading a team of 11 journalists. Layout and graphic design for 5 issues of the magazine Synapsi.
Synapsi is the magazine of Inkubio ry, the student association for Bioinformation Technology students at Aalto University.
The Solution
I re-invented the look and feel of the magazine. The aim was to create a new design theme for each issue of the magazine, and to rebel against traditional design conventions.
At a critical moment of limited budget of the guild, I opted to digitalize one of the issues for the first time. I learned HTML and CSS for this purpose. The journalists became quite inspired and created a soundboard, and interactive clickable story, and even a game.
The Outcome
The journalists enjoyed their year working on the magazine. My fellow students gave a lot of praise for the magazine’s new and exciting design. The digital issue became a yearly tradition after my initiative.
Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, HTML, CSS