Selected Talks
2024: Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) Conference. (IEEE), Invited talk on wellbeing robots, From Lab to Life workshop
2024: Pint of Science Festival, Invited talk on wellbeing robots, 50 attendees.
2024: Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Conference (ACM/IEE), Conference presentation for publication
2024: University of Cambridge, Invited talk on social robots, for Barclays HR Executives
2023: HRI Conference, Invited talk on Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI) journal paper (ACM), for 6 selected presenters
2021: Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) Conference (IEEE), Conference presentation for publication
2018: European Robotics Week, Invited talk on social robots, 300 attendees.
Selected Press
2023: University of Cambridge communications. The Life Robotic
2023: BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. Interview: Robotic coaches in the workplace
2022: Evening Standard Podcast. Interview: Robots and well-being
2021: BBC Look East TV Program. Feature: Robotic well-being coach
2021: BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. Interview: Robots for mindfulness.
2020: YLE Radio Podcast. Interview: Domo Arigato, Mr. Robotto!
2019: YLE TV News Feature: Library guidance robot.
2019: Fast Company. Interview and feature: How Googly Eyes Solved One of Today’s Trickiest UX Problems
Selected Awards
2024: Clare Hall: Doctoral Prize Studentship. Follow-up funding for PhD students.
2024: University of Cambridge, Computer Science and Technology Deptartment: Wiseman Prize. For teaching and outreach contributions.
2023: University of Cambridge: Hall of Fame ’Better Future’ Award. For robotic coaches at workplace, with research team and collaborators.
2023: University of Cambridge: Vice-Chancellor’s Research Impact and Engagement ‘Collaboration’ Award, runner-up. For robotic well-being coaches, with research team and collaborators.
2023: HRI Pioneers: Selected for prestigious doctoral consortium.
2020: FEDORA Platform: Digital Prize. For immersive artwork ‘Laila’, with Ekho Collective.
2019: SIGCHI Finland: Master’s Thesis Award, runner-up.
Speaking at the Mindtrek conference in Tampere in 2018.